Urinary Tract Infection (Test ‘n’ Treat)

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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common condition that can cause discomfort and pain. At Fermanagh Travel and Health Clinics, our experienced healthcare professionals provide prompt and effective UTI treatment to help you feel better and prevent complications.

UTI Treatment in Fermanagh

UTIs can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

– Pain or burning during urination
– Frequent need to urinate
– Strong-smelling urine
– Cloudy or bloody urine
– Pain in the lower abdomen or back

Causes of UTIs

UTIs are typically caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract. Some common risk factors for UTIs include:

– Female anatomy
– Sexual activity
– Urinary tract abnormalities
– Weakened immune system
– Use of certain types of birth control

How Does it Work?

We offer a variety of UTI treatment options to help you feel better quickly. Our healthcare professionals will evaluate your symptoms and medical history to determine the best treatment plan for you. Some treatment options may include:

– Antibiotics
– Pain relief medication
– Increased fluid intake
– Probiotics

Preventing UTIs

While UTIs are common, there are steps you can take to prevent them from occurring. Some tips to reduce your risk of UTIs include:

– Wiping front to back after using the bathroom
– Urinating after sexual activity
– Drinking plenty of fluids
– Avoiding irritants such as scented products in the genital area

Contact Us

If you are experiencing symptoms of a UTI, don’t wait to seek treatment. Our healthcare professionals at the Fermanagh Travel Clinic in Fermanagh are here to provide prompt and effective UTI treatment to help you feel better and prevent complications.

You are spoiled for choice in Fermanagh! Choose from one of our two pharmacies – Pillbox Pharmacy or Derrylin Pharmacy – for your appointment. 

You can contact us or use the booking form below to make an appointment.

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